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SMUG member is Mac Musician

Author: Gladya Burritt
Date: May, 1988
Keywords: Cheryl Gibbs music sound audio MIDI
Text: Cheryl Gibbs says she's always been interested in music, art, and graphics design. Now, her Macintosh computer has expanded and enhanced these interests immeasurably. A Macintosh display at a computer fair a few years ago caught her attention. Cheryl found she was having a blast experimenting with MacPaint on the display computer, and she didn't forget that first impression. Within the next few months she found herself enrolled in an electronic music class in order to update her experience with early synthesizers. The teacher of this class had a Mac, and Cheryl became intrigued with the new technology and programs available for the Mac. The opportunity to "baby-sit" a friend's electronic keyboard for a few days helped Cheryl decide she was going to get her own Mac and keyboard set-up. At the time, Cheryl was working as a reporter at a newspaper where computers were increasingly important in word processing, graphics, and data bases. After saving her nickels, Cheryl now is the proud owner of a Mac 512e with a 400k external drive, and the specialized music software, Performer and Professional Composer. Using Performer, the music Cheryl plays on the keyboard is digitally recorded, and can be replayed and edited either on the keyboard or on the computer. The program Professional Composer allows Cheryl to translate the digital recording into notes on paper. Voila! Sheet music! Cheryl is still learning all the different aspects of Performer and Professional Composer, and also uses MacWrite and PageMaker. Cheryl is totally positive about the many uses of her Macintosh. She remarks that her three housemates are all Mac-proficient, and that word processing and games get equal time. Cheryl feels that choice of a computer should be based on the software you need to do what you want. She already had seen Performer and Professional Composer in use, had tried them, and gets a lot of satisfaction from now being able to use this knowledge and technology for her own artistic endeavors. She also comments that she's glad she didn't allow herself to feel intimidated by some of the unfamiliar words that went zipping by at SMUG meetings when she was a newcomer. She says she's found that SMUG members are willing to help if approached with requests for assistance. Cheryl encourages new members to stick around and ask questions. It's worth it!

Copyright © may, 1988 by Gladya Burritt

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