The Web Page Workbook

Author: Dawn Groves
Publisher: Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc.
ISBN: 1-887902-05-8
Price: 19.95
Pages: 170
Goodies: HotDog (shareware HTML editor), EarthLink's TotalAccess (Internet software package)
Published: 1996
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Notes: With the help of this book, students create their own web page and learn about design technique, home pages, HTML, and the use of web pages. Although classroom Internet access is not required, the book includes EarthLink, software that provides Internet access. The HotDog Web Editor is also included so that students may view their web pages offline during development. Later, when the web page is completed, it can be stored on the student's server without further modification. This book is written to fill four to eight hours of class time, depending on how much of the HTML tutorial is used. A working knowledge of the Internet is required, and a basic knowledge of the World Wide Web is helpful.

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Added to the Booklist: March 13, 1997

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