Zen & the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide, 4th edition

Author: Brendan Kehoe
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
ISBN: 0-13-452914-6
Price: US$23.95
Pages: 272
Published: October 1995
For more information: (800) 947-7700 or orders@prenhall.com
Notes: Originally published online to answer user questions while Kehoe was a system administrator, this book quickly became a favorite user's guide to the Internet. The book assumes no knowledge of the net and helps users get up to speed quickly and easily. A net insider, Kehoe even includes amusing facts and stories to illustrate the culture of the net. Unlike other Internet books, this is a book for anyone, no matter what type of operating system they use, because the book is platform or operating system neutral. The book is concise, yet complete-beginners don't have to read a huge tome the size of an unabridged dictionary to get started on the Internet and the WWW.

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